Estimated delivery time is between 2 to 7 business days from the day we receive your order. This estimate takes into account building, handling, dispatch and transit times. Delivery times may vary due to stock availability, different shipping networks and your location. For peace of mind, our warranty policy also covers lost or damaged goods in transit.
Cobratech products come with 3-Years (36 Months) Warranty. You are fully covered bumper to bumper. All Parts, labour, shipping insurance, return pick-up & postage costs included. We also offer life-time technical support. We'll be there to help when you need us!
We can offer you full customization service from A-Z. Our boutique of pre-configured computers are crafted to offer exotic aesthetics and a perfect balance of price to performance ratio. However, please contact us directly for a custom quote on any custom specifications. You dream it, we build it.
CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5500 6C/12T 4.20GHz
Graphics Card: RTX 4060 Ti 8GB OC PNY VERTO
Ram: 16GB DDR4 3600MHz ADATA XPG
Storage: 500GB NVMe SSD TeamGroup MP33
Motherboard: ASRock B550M + WiFi/Bluetooth
Power Supply: 650W Equites T550 80+
Operating System: Windows 11 Pro (Activated)
Network: 600Mbps Dual Band Long Range Wi-Fi Adapter, Bluetooth 4.2, Gigabit Ethernet
Accessories: Cobratech ARGB GPU Support Bracket, ARGB LED Strip, ARGB 24-pin PSU Cable Cover, ARGB Remote Controller, 1x Power Cable